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Two day National Conference in “Trends in Drug Discovery & Product Development (TD2PD)”

11 Oct 2019


Two day National Conference in “Trends in Drug Discovery & Product Development (TD2PD)”

Date: 11th and 12th October 2019

Trends in Drug Discovery & Product Development (TD2PD) is a Two day national conference which curates the current trends inthe regulatory processes of bringing a new pharmaceutical drug to the market once a lead compound has been identified through the process of drugdiscovery. It includes preclinical research, filing for regulatory status, to initiate clinical trials on humans, and may include the step of obtaining regulatory approval with a new drug application to market the drug.

The workshop was convened by M.K. Ranganath, HOD, Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Analysis, KCP and coordinated by organizing secretary Mr.Chandramouli Associate Professor, Dept. of Quality Assurance, KCP.

On the first day of the workshop, 11th October 2019 the dignitaries on the dais, Chief Guests Dr. MD Karvekar, Professor and Academic Director, KCP and Prof. Prakash V Mallya, Professor and Director CPPA, KCP, Dr. Amit Kumar Das, Principal, KCP the delegates and the resource persons were welcomed in the inaugural programme . Dr. Amit Kumar Das addressed the gathering and emphasized on the importance of the conference.

On the first day of the Conference, sessions were conducted on various topics. The first session on Biosimilar of Novel Biologics: an overview was conducted by Dr.Sunit Maity Director, Zumutor Biologics. In his talk he emphasized on Novel Biologics and few basics on Biosimilars.

The next talk was delivered by Mr. S. Varadarajaperumal Technology Manager, MNCF, CeNSE, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on Pharmaceutical Characterization Techniques - an update . The afternoon session has poster presentations by our M.Pharm students.

On the second day 12th October 2019 the session began by Dr. Basavaraj Nanjwade, Principal Scientist, Trroy Life sciences Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru on QbD for Product Development of Solid, Semisolid and Liquid Dosage forms, his session he addressed various issues relating to product development of various dosage forms. The next session was by Narayananappa T, Sr.Vice President Corporate QC, Micro Labs Ltd on Impurities in drug substances and drug products and gave a brief idea on the impurities.

The next session started in afternoon by Gopinath Ponnusamy, Senior manager IT Compliance Arcolab (Strides) on Importance of Quality Management Systems in Pharmaceutical Industries. The last session ended by Bhagyashree Bhargave, General manager Strides Pharma Science LTD on Risk Management in Pharmaceutical Processes - a case study

The Conference ended with a Panel Discussion and a valedictory where the speakers were felicitated and the students were given the Certificates.

The conference organized would help in any future up gradation of the academic and research standards of the institution and help bridging the gap between industry and academia. The feedbacks from the attendees were collected and the conference seemed to have an overall positive impact on the audience.

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